Old Blues
Featuring "Play Parties" by Lead Belly, an early blues and folk singer, from the early 1940s. Classic fedora from the 1930s. J.W. York and Sons Perfec-Tone Cornet SN 37010 from the early 1900s. A candle, and a glass of wine. Everything I need for a blues session.
Lead Belly Info Here:
Hear the music here:
This week we're capturing all things blue, and there's a lot more here than you might think! You might find a blue object, use blue lighting, or just be feeling blue... Blue hour! Photos taken during the blue hour are very striking but be aware that your window of shooting time is quite narrow. This may not be an actual hour, but it is the time after the sun sets, before the sky turns very dark. Be sure to plan such a photoshoot carefully ahead of time, and definitely look out for any orange in your scene, as that will complement well with the blue (think someone holding a candle or fairy lights, for example) Color grading! You can color grade your image for a 'cooler' blue, cinematic tone (of course this pairs nicely with orange as well, to make a complementary color grade) You can show us someone feeling blue or experiencing a case of the Mondays. How about some bluegrass music? If you have any other interpretation of blue, as usual, you should feel free to be creative and think out of the box!