Every Culture, Every Time
These three objects transcend every culture and time. Used in a plethora of variations in shape and material, you will find suitable plates, bowls, and cups at nearly every dining experience in the world.
This week's challenge, Common Object, is difficult on two levels. First, you have to choose your object. It can literally be anything - a fork, a table, a slice of bread, a weed growing against a wall, a steering wheel. Second, you are going to have to show us WHY we should look at your photo of this object. Is there some kind of story involved? Maybe there is a nest of birds in your ordinary postbox, or an acceptance letter from Harvard. Maybe your common kitchen knife reflects a puddle of blood? You might also decide to show us the extraordinary and mundane beauty of the object itself. The roundness of eggs, golden light shining through a flower petal, or the abstract pattern of water drops against the glass in a shower. Photographers are often regarded as the documentarists of the world - we point out the things that others do not notice. But we can also choose to show the magic of the world - even in a common object.