Better Than Freeze Dried Ants
With limited access to experiences due to covid my wife and I discussed new foods. She has tried a range of insect foods but I just could not get emotionally ready to do that. So I opted to try SPAM, a uniquely American food I had never eaten, and Vegemite, a favorite of the UK and Australia. Maybe I should reconsider ants.
You can see the entire album here:
It is not always easy to take a photo every single week. Especially if the challenge is something brand new for you or requires extensive practice and experimentation. However, 52Frames is a safe place to explore new concepts and ideas. Every week we encourage ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and create something beautiful. This week we are going to push every single photographer to have a new experience and photograph it. This experience must be something that is personally brand new for YOU. Let's not overthink this! If it's a week where you are feeling less ambitious or super busy (or a perceived minimal access to new things) it can be as simple as a new food you've never eaten, a new street you haven't walked down, or a new photography technique. During these days of being stuck at home (or at the very least, limited to outside experiences), let your brain loose, and think of new things you CAN do, as opposed to the things you cannot do. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking :)