Keith's edit of my poses.
Veni Vidi Vici
Keith Wobeser and I decided to do mutual 'edited by others' project. We each sent each other a set of funny poses (included below) and went crazy on each other's images. Keith turned me into a statue. I put him in a whimsical jungle. All around good fun and photoshop expertise. Thanks Keith! Keith does consistenly amazing work and you can see his album here: Click on either picture to enlarge it. Enjoy the whimsy.
My edit of Keith's Poses.
I also edited Nichol Beus Harris' Photo
You can see her work here:
Our Poses
Control. As photographers and artists, we're used to controlling how we want to depict a particular scene. But, sometimes, just sometimes, it helps to see things from a different point of view. That's why we ask our community to tackle this challenge every year - to learn, to grow from seeing different ideas and points of view. Please note that you are NOT restricted to having your images edited by a fellow 52Framer - you can get your kids, a colleague or even your immensely talented Golden Retriever to perform edits on your work. In short, anyone can edit your photo. After this challenge, we hope that you gain some understanding and nuance even when you critique others' photos on a weekly basis in the community - after all, not everyone sees eye to eye. Please sign up to be a volunteer editor and also use this sheet to connect with fellow Framers to have your images edited by them, if you so choose. Enjoy the process! Your final image may not be what you would have done, but that’s the point! The challenge is to ease control and try something new.