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Baltimore, MD
Atlanta & Smyrna, GA
Columbia, SC

Prefered Solutions
Phones: 8x8 
Hosting Solution: Rochen 
Ecom Solution: Shift4Shop 
Backup Solution: Backblaze 
Remote Work Solution: Splashtop 
National IT Providers:  TeamLogicIT & CMIT Solutions

In Partnership for RobotMats with
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2022 32 Night Photography 1069 marco ciavolino post

Every House Has One

This is my office organizer so called. It contains a Blood Ox meter (for covid), staples, glasses ear holders, a month of mail, two old cell phone clips, and extra wallet, a phone battery, a Groucho Marx mask, a CD of the Drifters, and so much more. When I traveled with a Christian singing group in the 70's, I stayed in over 500 homes. Everyone has a similar spot or drawer. Is there a solution for this or is it world wide crisis? If you don't have one start one in an unused drawer. You'll feel much better about yourself.  One of my reviewers replied, "I must be an over achiever as my house has dozens and dozens and some are HUGE encompassing entire rooms!  Joe"


As photographers, all too often we've been taught rules-of-thumb to follow to make a photo look better - either with compositional rules or with guidelines for achieving something in a technical way. So let's break away from all that strict order and rules and embrace the Chaos. Just go bonkers with new techniques, override the status quo and capture images and stories that speak to you. Perhaps it's chaos at home with your kids, or chaos in Nature with flocks of wild migrating birds; maybe you could showcase chaos in Street Photography with the unpredictableness of crowds. Anything that speaks to you and takes you and your image out of the bounds of what's called "normal". Finding entropy and chaos means shattering perceptions, pushing boundaries, and being willing to unlearn what we have learned all in the pursuit of getting a shot you wouldn't ever have considered capturing earlier. Learning to think about things a little abstractly and without constraint is what we're encouraging you to go and do this week. Cede control. Break rules. Make up your own. All so you can be more creative.

The XCORP Family of Companies

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*enktesis, LLC assists clients in a range of web technology solutions, marketing communications, business development, and communications research efforts

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Empower Mats
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Tools to empower visually impaired students to participate in competitive robotics programs.

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Robot Mats
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Build the skills of your current team with our universal training mats. They provide every scenario required to teach all the fundamentals programming and similar robotics systems.

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Creative Play Mats
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These amazing mats feature imaginative, play-producing, images designed to provide just enough imagery to spur creativity.

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TechBrick Education
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TechBrick is an independent robotics and STEM education program for home-schooled, public, and private school students in Harford, Baltimore, and Cecil counties in Maryland.

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You've got an idea. You've written your book, your ideas, your thoughts. Paperclip Press can make it happen.

In Partnership for RobotMats with

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Cobb Chamber of Commerce Logo

Business Network International Logo

Smyrna Business Association Logo

Georgia State University Logo

Northeastern Maryland Technology Council Logo

Christian Business Network Logo

Gary Hill Network Logo

XCORP2014 / Enktesis, LLC
Baltimore, MD / 410-838-8264
Atlanta, GA / 470-648-3100
Columbia, SC / 803-832-0878
Contact Info http://meetmarco.com

Copyright  Enktesis/XCORP2014

*enktesis, LLC is a private consultancy, led by Marco Ciavolino, assisting clients in a range of web technology solutions, marketing communications, business development, and communications research efforts. He has been involved in the web space since 1995 and since that time has directly developed and collaborated on numerous web projects from small niche sites to large enterprise projects.  Want to know more? Contact me via email or phone  (marco@enktesis.com / 410-838-8264).   Full contact information at meetmarco.com

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