536,250,000,000 Points of Light
Assuming geometric growth from the first viable bulb to this year leads us to 536,250,000,000 bulbs sold in the US alone. Add in international sales and the number is likely many many times that. Bulbs revolutionized domestic and industrial life and brought constant, clean light to the masses. Freed from fires and gas lights, productivity soared and home life became greatly extended. I put my modern LED bulb in Edison's lab.
Learn More About Bulbs Here:
I printed two 13x19 color prints, one of Edison's lab, the other of some hardwood flooring and taped them together. Then propped up the back and shot my bulb!
This week, we're looking to shoot a Common Object. And isn't that what photography is all about, really? Taking the mundane and shining a different light on it. Highlighting an object or scene that we normally pass by with no notice, and making it something special. Think about all the common objects you can see around you right this moment - a bottle, socks, a pen, eggs, coffee mugs, perfume vapor, cell phone - the list of subjects you have this week are endless. Now the challenge is to simply make the ordinary look extra ordinary, or at least photographed well. You could try focusing on a particular detail or texture. Or perhaps show how you use it in your day-to-day life. Tell a story about how something mundane and ordinary can be a valuable part of your day. You could go full magazine style Product Shoot or do something fun and quirky to make us chuckle out loud. Composition is key here - so try and arrange things in your shot to convey depth, emotion, or perhaps even a surreal, thought-provoking moment. The creative side is entirely up to you. Now go out and be uncommon!