Changing Future Lives Since 1860
This is the headquarters of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America in midtown Atlanta. From this building comes guidance for more than 4500 locations and more than 4 million kids and teens and more than 500,000 staff and volunteers. From its beginning it reached out students who are underserved an often lacking the resources to succeed. Through a combination of mentoring, innovative programs and courses, great facilities, and accessible schedules, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America has motivated millions of young students to achieve what would otherwise have been impossible. Their motto is "Great Futures Start Here." Learn more here:
It's time to CLEAR our world of COLOR. While it's easier to think of Black And White photography as something old-school, modern cameras and devices with their higher pixel counts, densities and high dynamic ranges help make it really easy to get striking images filled with contrast and tonal ranges. But that's just the technical side of things. Black and White photography makes it easier to cut out the "distraction" of color noise - which better allows your viewer to take in shape, form, and of course, light (and shadow). Composition is critical here, because a great deal of emphasis in a black and white photo comes from the interplay of light and shadow. That's what gives many black and white photos depth and structure. You may start to "see" the world around you in terms of shapes and structure more than the overall color while considering what to shoot. Look at where the light hits. Look at where the shadows lie. Look out for textures as well, that may add more dimension to your shot.