End of a Long Shift at the ER
Shot at 6:43p Eastern
Another long day at the second busiest ER in Maryland at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center. Wait time exceeded 4 hours all day they had as many as 8 ambos there at once. Thank you to the talented women and men who staff our county's EMS, Fire, and Police force, and ER professionals.
Nikon D7500
1/200 sec
27mm focal length
The Assignment
This week, creative Framers, we have a beautiful but challenging challenge for you. You have to shoot a blue hour photo!The blue hour is the time period just before sunrise and just after sunset. The sky turns a beautiful ink blue because the Earth’s atmosphere only receives and scatters the sun’s shorter blue wavelengths. The longer red wavelengths scatter into space, not even reaching us. One of the reasons this makes the blue hour so special is the fact that it instantly adds a wonderful storytelling mood to your photo. Just shoot an early morning jogger or surfer against this blue sky, and you have shown us an entire story. Or think of a commuter staring pensively out a window with the blue hour outside. Or maybe show us an all night party-goer walking home in the morning as the sky is turning from black to blue. Another reason the blue hour is so special is that it is a bit elusive. It not only takes place during an inconvenient time of the day but the constant changing of the light means that you may have to make constant adjustments to your settings. AND your time-frame is quite limited. You will probably only have 20 – 40 minutes to take your photo. Plan your shoot carefully, creative Framers. The light of the blue hour is amazing, but you will have to work for this gift. Figure out before the time WHAT and WHERE but especially WHEN to shoot during the blue hour.