Please Sign our Guest Log
A friend's wedding offered a guest 'log' which will later become their coffee table. How fun!
Hands in the frame seemed to have started to become a thing with the use of Instagram. Sometimes you just have to take a photo of your ice cream and with no Instagram husband ( :)) around, people started to include their own hands in the frame. By including hands in their photos, photos get a more intimate and relatable feel to them. It is as though the adding of hands in the frame, instantly start telling a story of what the hands are doing. Even though we are taking inspiration from the popular hashtag #handsinframe – feel welcome to play with this theme in any way that you want. You can shoot your own hands, or the hands of someone or something else. The hands can be part of a food photography shoot or doing something else, such as changing a car’s oil or plaiting hair. You can also decide to make the hands your main subject and only focus on them. So, hands on deck creative Framers, get those hands in the frame this week!