Flowers out of Focus
So, as always, if 52Frames challenges me to do something I would never have done I'm going to do it! So I 'lense whacked' a flower with my Nikon D7500 and circa 1985 Nikon Series E 50mm f1.8 that I bought when I purchased my Nikon FE2 the same year (what a great camera!) I've included a photo of the lense below.
Extra Credit: Lens Whacking: Take a distortion photo with the lens whacking technique.
Nikon D7500
F 0 (no lense)
1/250 second
ISO 320
0 mm focal length (no lense)
Lense whacked with a circa 1985 Nikon Series E 50mm f1.8
Post edited in PhotoShop CS
Dear creative Framers, every week we play with light. Most of the time, however, we do it in a very linear and realistic manner. The light usually goes with a straight angle into our cameras and creates a realistic, though upside-down image. The cameras flip the image and all is right in the world.But not this week! This week we are going to distort all that we see by messing around with light, lenses or perspective. You can distort light by shooting through a glass filled with water. You can distort perception by shooting through a cracked mirror or a body of water with ripples. You can shoot through a cloth to distort color. You can put Vaseline on your lens to distort the clarity of your image. Whatever your method, let’s show a distorted view of reality this week. Feel free to distort your photo in ANY way that you want. The 52Frames community is an excellent space to experiment, play, and embrace imperfection.